Daily Report
What unites Trump and Hitler: “Fierce determination and self-imposed blindness”
The bias in this article is already incredibly obvious and in-your-face without even reading it. The article goes on in bringing up and discussing apparent parallels between President Trump and Adolf Hitler. It goes on from their rhetoric, campaign promises and rise to popularity and power. The cause for concern from this Salon article should be obvious. The author is deliberately comparing and equating a former United States president to one of the most infamous, arguably most infamous, dictator in modern history. And for the record, I don't like President Trump. I have several reservations about his talking points and policies. But to compare him, or any politician regardless of party, to a genocidal fascist is ridiculous and troubling. Making this comparison does not help with the common polarization already present in American politics. By making this comparison, all it does is deepen demonization of the opposing candidate, party and its supporters. And by doing this, it can have the effect of causing people to dehumanize their fellow Americans and see them as a hostile "other," rather than promote cooperation, compromise, unity and a shared national identity.