Trump defeats Haley in New Hampshire to move closer to White House nomination, Edison Research says

Jan 24, 2024 View Original Article
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    60% Very Conservative

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    25% ReliablePoor

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    86% Extremely Conservative

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    -29% Negative

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33% Positive

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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

62% : Despite her ties, however, Trump has racked up endorsements from most of the state's Republican figures, and opinion polls show him with a wide lead.
59% : Instead, Trump will become the first Republican to sweep competitive votes in both Iowa - where he won by a record-setting margin eight days ago - and New Hampshire since 1976, when the two states cemented their status as the first two nominating contests.
49% : Later, during a stop at a polling station in Londonderry, Trump briefly addressed supporters.
48% : By Gram Slattery, James Oliphant and Nathan LayneMANCHESTER, New Hampshire, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Donald Trump won New Hampshire's Republican presidential primary election on Tuesday, Edison Research projected, further asserting his dominance over the party as he heads toward a likely November rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden.
35% : With 14% of the expected vote tallied, according to Edison, Trump had 52.3% compared with 46.6% for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who had hoped the Northeastern state's sizable cadre of independent voters would carry her to an upset win that might loosen Trump's iron grip on the Republican Party.
33% : The U.S. Supreme Court, with a conservative majority made possible by three justices who joined the court under Trump, eliminated a nationwide right to abortion in 2022, galvanizing Democratic voters in that year's congressional elections.
32% : The Democratic president, whose advisers are anticipating a rematch with Trump, took aim at Republicans over their efforts curb abortion rights in a Virginia speech on Tuesday, but his remarks were interrupted repeatedly by hecklers protesting his policies toward Israel.
13% : Haley had stepped up her attacks on Trump as the election drew near, criticizing his affinity for strongmen such as Russia's Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un.
11% : Trump, who is balancing campaign stops with appearances in various criminal and civil courts, denies wrongdoing and has used the criminal charges against him to bolster his claim of political persecution.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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