The Daily Beast Article Rating

Trump Has a Big Problem With GOP Voters

Mar 29, 2024 View Original Article
  • Bias Rating

    -88% Extremely Liberal

  • Reliability

    65% ReliableFair

  • Policy Leaning

    10% Center

  • Politician Portrayal

    -21% Negative

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The A.I. bias rating includes policy and politician portrayal leanings based on the author’s tone found in the article using machine learning. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral.


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8% Positive

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  •   Conservative
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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

89% : Trump does a very good job.
65% : "In Arizona's primary on the same day, Trump won 79 percent of the vote, while Haley won 18 percent.
55% : While the most significant electoral fallout will likely be at the state and local level, McMorrow said that keeping voters who are concerned about access to reproductive care engaged could be a boost to Biden, who is trailing Trump in polls of her home state.
52% : We decide things like the local tax rate, whether or not we build a new jail... in terms of reaching out at our level, we're reaching out to Independents and Republicans that Trump is just the top of a ticket.
51% : In Kansas' primary on March 19, for instance, Trump secured 75 percent of the vote -- impressive if he were facing active competition, but troubling given the competition had all withdrawn.
50% : The tattooed labor leader launched a nonpartisan campaign for Senate centered on workers' rights and blue collar appeal.
49% : And in February, over half of the House GOP conference signed a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court that cited the Comstock Act to justify limiting the mail distribution of mifepristone ahead of arguments this month.
47% : "Americans from all backgrounds, including Republicans, Independents and disillusioned Democrats, are coalescing around President Trump and joining the greatest political movement in history to end Joe Biden's chaos and make America strong, safe, and successful again," Leavitt said, adding that some polls indicate Biden losing support among core Democratic Party demographics.
46% : For instance, the memo states, Heritage's Project 2025 proposed tapping the Comstock Act, a 19th century law that restricts the sending of "immoral" materials through the U.S. mail, to prohibit the abortion pill from being mailed.
43% : And Haley herself has declined to endorse Trump so far.
41% : While some non-Trump voters mailed in their ballots, meaning that a share of them registered their support for Haley before she dropped out on March 6, it's all but certain that many thousands of them took the effort to cast ballots simply to express their preference that Trump not be the GOP nominee for president.
40% : "For independent, moderate, and Nikki Haley voters who all care about protecting democracy and lowering costs for families, President Biden is reaching out his hand to welcome them into his coalition while Donald Trump is slamming the door in their face," Singer continued.
40% : "We can't forget that Trump appointed the judge who ruled to ban abortion medication and nominated the justices who cast the deciding votes" overturning Roe.The Democratic Party's official arms for House and Senate races, sent out similar releases, as did prominent Democratic governors, like J.B. Pritzker in Illinois, who called the court challenge "the latest blatant attack against women's rights by anti-abortion, far-right extremists.
40% : "The judges appeared skeptical of the case against mifepristone, but the case underscored the very real threats that still exist to Americans' access to abortion and reproductive health care.
39% : "In Arizona, Smith said part of the challenge is convincing conservatives turned off by Trump that their vote still matters down-ballot, noting how "at the local level, we don't decide abortion or immigration policies.
38% : In a series of state primary elections held after Nikki Haley became the last Trump challenger to drop out, stubborn and sizable minorities of Republicans have continued to cast ballots against the former president.
34% : Earlier this week, his campaign hit Trump for his "nonexistent" outreach to them.
34% : "Donald Trump and his campaign have made it clear: If you are not part of the MAGA disciples then you aren't welcome in his campaign," Biden-Harris 2024 spokesperson James Singer said in a statement to The Daily Beast.
28% : Key data points are looking up for the Biden campaign while Trump is mired in legal and cash problems -- leading Democrats to see a golden window to close the gap for 2024, Jake Lahut reports.
27% : "Smith added that the continued opposition to Trump among conservatives and moderates in southern Arizona isn't that complicated.
26% : "Donald Trump and his MAGA allies will stop at nothing to ban abortion and restrict reproductive health care access nationwide," Nessel said in the release.
25% : Given that Trump seemed tepid at best about the prospect of bringing Haley voters into the fold and truly persuading holdouts to support him, though, the results may not be especially surprising.
24% : "Donald Trump may believe the 2024 Republican presidential primary is done -- but clearly, it's not done with him.
23% : "There's still residual hostility about Trump and his tweets.
23% : "There will be a lot of people voting against Trump," Ed Baecher, the chairman of the Fishkill, New York, GOP committee told The Daily Beast ahead of the state's primary on April 2.
22% : "For all that has been made of President Joe Biden's primary protest vote problem -- which stems from his handling of the Israel-Hamas war -- it's clear that Trump has his own very real obstacles to consolidating core GOP voters that could be crucial to winning in November.
20% : Dave Smith, the chairman of the Pima County GOP in Arizona, told The Daily Beast that early mail ballots were only part of the explanation for why Trump got 75 percent of the vote to Haley's 20 percent in that county.
12% : "What you've seen since then is Trump has done next to nothing to earn their vote, so there's still a lot of hostility among the people we've been talking to about Trump's lack of outreach," said Robert Schwartz, who is running a PAC focused on persuading Haley voters to support Biden.
11% : This week, we look at a sneaky problem for Donald Trump.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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