Where Things Stand: Blake Masters Wipes Extreme Abortion Views From Campaign Website

Aug 26, 2022 View Original Article
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    -10% Center

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  • Policy Leaning

    10% Center

  • Politician Portrayal

    -57% Negative

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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

50% : According to NBC News -- which took screenshots of Masters website before and after he posted the ad on Twitter -- Masters tweaked and changed several of his previous stances on abortion today, including deleting his stance on fetal personhood.
46% : Before this morning, Masters' campaign website proudly declared the GOP Senate nominee's stance on abortion as "100% pro-life," while outlining the specifics of his views on a federal fetal personhood law: "a federal personhood law (ideally a Constitutional amendment) that recognizes that unborn babies are human beings that may not be killed."That, along with other elements of his (now-past?) extreme positions on abortion have been deleted from his website, according to NBC News.
46% : Now the website states he backs "a law or a Constitutional amendment that bans late term (third trimester) abortion and partial-birth abortion at the federal level" and "pro-life legislation, pregnancy centers, and programs that make it easier for pregnant women to support a family and decide to choose life."
43% : Judges Reach Dueling Conclusions In Fight Over Abortions During EmergenciesTimeline: What We Know About The Missing Text Message Scandal -- Kaila PhiloCalculate how much of your student loan debt can be forgiven -- Dylan Moriarty and Alyssa FowersToo many Americans live in places built for cars -- not for human connection -- Muizz Akhtar
38% :Earlier today, Masters posted this ad on Twitter, seemingly staking out a new position on abortion that he has not held publicly since the beginning of his campaign.
37% : As Washington Post writer Aaron Blake outlined in this piece today, Masters' shifting and squirming on abortion isn't unique to him.
37% : The Post suggests that there are a number of factors playing into Republicans' quiet regrets on abortion, including new polling on support for the procedure from Pew Research and Democrats' better-than-expected performance in special elections and primaries in the weeks since Roe's overturning, specifically in the surprising outcome of the New York 19th District primaries this week.
35% : In this new ad he describes his views on abortion as "commonsense," suggesting that he supports bans only in certain situations "on very late-term and partial-birth abortion," while falsely claiming that Kelly wants abortion to be legal up until the moment of birth.
33% : It would effectively ban abortion nationwide by declaring the procedure to be murder.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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